Titel |
"Selbstregulierung oder Selbstsorge" |
Bewertungs Analyse |
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http://www.wiso.uni-hamburg.de/fileadmin/wiso_dwp_soz/e ... |
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Datum |
07-06-2008 |
Hits : 2851, Besuche : 11, Kommentar : 0 |
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"Selbstregulierung oder Selbstsorge - Zur Soziologie des Subjekts im 21. Jahrhundert. (Control or Care of the Self. The Sociology of the Subject in 21st Century)." Tagung, Universität Hamburg, 03. - 05. Juli 2008. Programm als PDF-Datei.
Schlagwörter: Michel Foucault, Norbert Elias, Selbstregulierung, Selbstsorge, Subjekt, Subjektivität, Sorge und sich, Tagung, Konferenz
Søren Nagbøl, Kopenhagen:
Norbert Elias and Michel Foucault. Critic and Respect. Figurations sociology and
experience analyses in a process sociological perspective.
Annette Treibel, Karlsruhe: Individuals in the Order of Change.
Thomas Schäfer, Berlin: Subjektivität und Formen der Subjektivierung.
Foucaults Subjekt- und Machtanalyse als Ausgangspunkt für eine Anthropologie des
21. Jahrhunderts.
Stephen Mennell, Dublin: American Habitus: Individualism and its Consequences.
Helga Pelizäus-Hoffmeister, Munich: Shaping one´s life in uncertain times. The change in people´s perception and handling of biographical uncertainties – a
historical comparison.
Hans Pongratz, Munich: ´A society of entrepreneurs´. The expansion and profanation of ´creative destruction´ in capitalist economies.
Boris Traue, Berlin, Labours of the Cybernetic Self.
Magdalena Freudenschuß Berlin: Under Construction: a ´Precarious Subject´ and/or an ´Entrepreneurial Self´?
A. Manske/J. Merkel, Berlin: The Creative Class in Berlin, Germany. Self-Precarization
or Contingency-Readiness?
Gabriele Klein, Hamburg: Die Sorge um den Körper als Kontrolle des Selbst.
Paula Villa, Munich: Care and Control – Empowerment and Dominance. Some critical
remarks from the Sociology of Embodiment
Torsten Junge, Hamburg: It´s taking part that counts! Gouvernmentality in the
Knowledge-Society and the Transformation of Modern Statehood.
Mona Motakef, Duisburg Essen: Body Parts as gifts? The Human Body in the
Discourse of Organ Transplantation.
Elisabeth Tuider, Muenster: Das begehrende Subjekt. Subjektkonstitution
zwischen Regulierung und Normalisierung.
Eva Tolasch, Munich: Rethinking and expanding agencies beyond
normalized sexual identity politics.
Lena Nepyypa, Hamburg: Sex services for women: The role of money.
Volker Woltersdorff, Berlin: Sexual Politics in Neoliberalism:
Managing Precarious Sexual Selves.
Sam Binkley, Boston: Governmentality, Temporality and the Regulation of Time:
Foucauldian and Elisian Views on Changing Time Consciousness.
Stefan Stautner, Munich: Subjectivity, Identity and Food Consumption.
Joop Goudsblom, Amsterdam: Shame as Social Pain.
Andrea D. Bührmann, Muenster and Berlin: The Death of the Subject
and its Sociological Rebirth as Subjectivation: Perspectives for Future Research.
S. Reh/B. Fritzsche/K. Rabenstein, Berlin: Technologies of self-observation in open
education environments in German primary schools.Transformations of subjectivity and relationship to oneself.
Jason Hughes, London: The Rise of Emotional Reflexivity: Emotional Intelligence, Informalisation and the Management of Affect.
Stefanie Ernst, Hamburg: From Self Discipline towards Market Discipline? The Self, the Individual and Processes of Subjectivation.
Ines Langemeyer, Cottbus: Studying workplaces in a knowledge-based economy: a
comparison between a figuration-analysis (Elias) and the study of power relations and governmentality (Foucault). |